Wisdom Talks Podcast
Wisdom Talks Podcast
Ep# 12 Master Charles Cannon – American Mystic, Author, and Early High-Tech Meditation Pioneer.
Our conversation today is with the late Master Charles, American mystic, meditation teacher and Guru, mentor, and spiritual guide to thousands. An incredibly talented and creative individual, author of six books and countless audio and music recordings. He is an acknowledged pioneer in the evolution of human consciousness and a personal friend who I’ve known and worked with for over 45 years.
His colorful life began as a child model and actor at the age of 9, followed by twelve years beginning in 1970, of fully devoted service to his Guru, Baba Muktananda, traveling the world with him. In 1977 he was initiated into the ancient order of Sannyasa where he was given the name Swami Vivekananda Saraswati. After Muktananda’s death in 1982, he carved out on his own to finish the work Muktananda asked him to do; bring the ancient meditation traditions of India to the West and deliver them in a modern and accessible way. What followed was 35+ years of community and technology development, teaching his self-styled American brand of mysticism based on ancient Tantric traditions and the Guru-Disciple relationship to the Western world.
In our conversation, we cover the full spectrum of his life. His special relationship with Muktananda as his personal secretary, his life-long relationship with the Divine Feminine, Shaktipat initiation, Kundalini integration, the Guru-Disciple relationship, his infatuation with technology and the development of the Synchronicity High Tech Meditation process.
Master Charles passed from our physical presence on January 24, 2019. Today I offer what I believe is one of the last interviews he did before his death, to his courageous Spirit, and the friendship, love, and respect that he shared with me and so many others unwaveringly until his last breath. I hope you enjoy our conversation.
To directly contact our hosts, visit their respective websites:
https://www.meditatenow.net- Show Notes, Links and Resources, including Glossary of Terms for all Episodes and to contact Marc directly.
https://larryholmespracticalwisdom.com/ - For All Episodes and to contact Larry directly and review his consulting and coaching services.