Wisdom Talks Podcast

Ep#18 **Special** Guidance and Insight in Crisis Times Series #1

March 27, 2020 Marc Ketchel and Larry Holmes Season 2 Episode 18

This is a special weekly series that we are initiating as a compassionate offering to our global community. It will include actionable guidance, insights and techniques to help everyone stay grounded, think clearly, and find ease during these challenging times. 

The format is short, generally 30 -45 minutes in length, packed full of actionable insights and techniques from experts and teachers with a proven track record of dealing with the circumstances we are all challenged by today. 

I believe you will find the time well spent and expect you will want to take notes or listen to each episode many times. If you find value in what we are sharing, please take the time to pay it forward and share it with your friends and family. They will appreciate it very much.

Please note, this series is in addition to our regularly scheduled long-form interviews and conversations which will continue on a weekly basis. So, beginning this week you will receive two episodes each week. We hope you enjoy them. 

We’re going to begin our series this week with authors Kimberly and Jim Carson, nationally recognized chronic pain experts, health educators, and Mindfulness therapists. Their research and program development at the prestigious Duke University Medical Center (Duke) and Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) are documented in their latest book, Relax into Yoga for Chronic Pain: An Eight-Week Mindful Yoga Workbook for Finding Relief and Resilience. Their pioneering Mindful Yoga intervention methods are known as “Yoga of Awareness” has brought ease and relief to thousands of patients and yoga practitioners alike for more than two decades. You may remember their very popular episodes: Kimberly Carson Ep# 17, and Jim Carson Ep#6.

If you haven’t listened to those episodes please do. Their wisdom is deeply insightful. 

You can contact Jim and Kimberly directly at their website, mindfulyogaworks.com or order their newly released book here on Amazon

To directly contact our hosts, visit their respective websites:

https://www.meditatenow.net- Show Notes, Links and Resources, including Glossary of Terms for all Episodes and to contact Marc directly. 

https://larryholmespracticalwisdom.com/ - For All Episodes and to contact Larry directly and review his consulting and coaching services.

Related Episodes

Ep# 6 Jim Carson, Ph.D. - Author and Chronic Pain Expert on How to Effectively Treat Chronic Pain through Meditation, Breathing and Yogic Movement.

Ep# 17 Kimberly Carson MPH, C-IAYT, E-RYT– Author, Nationally Recognized Chronic Pain Expert, Health Educator, and Mindfulness Therapist.