Wisdom Talks Podcast
Wisdom Talks Podcast
Ep# 20 **Special** Guidance and Insight in Crisis Times #2 with Joe Smith - The Transformative Power of Breath
Our guest today is Joe Smith, who we interviewed in Ep# 19. You can see all the details of Joe’s amazing career as a senior executive in multiple healthcare companies where he managed employees in the thousands and budgets in the hundreds of millions. I asked Joe to come back and share with us in this very focused interview his experience with HeartMath and his decades-long work with breath and the deep insights he has received through this work with one of our most important biological functions.
In our conversation, he shares his clear understanding of the physiology of breath and how to use it to awaken our highest potential. He shares the simple yet immensely powerful techniques to achieve the state of coherence, our most optimum brain state in a matter of minutes. He says, the state of brain coherence makes everything else you do clearer, easier, and more efficiently accomplished. Who wouldn’t appreciate that?
To directly contact our hosts, visit their respective websites:
https://www.meditatenow.net- Show Notes, Links and Resources, including Glossary of Terms for all Episodes and to contact Marc directly.
https://larryholmespracticalwisdom.com/ - For All Episodes and to contact Larry directly and review his consulting and coaching services.
Related Resources
HeartMath and HRV with the emotion of Gratitude