Wisdom Talks Podcast
Wisdom Talks Podcast
Ep# 26 Lawrence Edwards, PhD – World Renowned Kundalini Expert, Author, and Mystic.
Our guest today is highly respected Kundalini expert and researcher Lawrence Edwards. His life long passion to know that Truth of the inner life brings a deeply steeped background in science to a profound inner mystical experience. He chronicles the awakening, unfoldment, and integration of the underlying power of the Universe, the Kundalini Shakti, in his most recent book, Awakening Kundalini – The Path to Radical Freedom. A book I highly recommend for those serious about understanding Kundalini and the subtle process of Kundalini Sadhana. He has narrated an audio presentation of the same name with guided practices and lectures that summarize a lifetime of study and experience.
He is the founder and director of Anam Cara, Inc., a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to teaching meditative practices from a variety of traditions. Dr. Edwards has taught at universities, hospitals, corporations, professional meetings, prisons, hospice programs, and yoga and meditation centers in the US, Canada, and India. He has been on the faculty of New York Medical College since 1998.
Dr. Edwards is a board-certified neurotherapist, and a licensed psychotherapist. For the last 45 years, he has developed unique insights that bridge scientific and mystical domains through direct knowledge. This growing direct awareness informs and enlightens every aspect of his life. The understanding and insights that have been revealed to him in this ever-deepening process of Self Realization are what he shares with us in this remarkable conversation.
For Show Notes and to directly contact our hosts, visit their respective websites:
https://www.meditatenow.net– Show Notes, Links, and Resources, including Glossary of Terms for all Episodes and to contact Marc directly.
https://larryholmespracticalwisdom.com/ – For All Episodes and to contact Larry directly and review his consulting and coaching services.
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